A Travel-Obsessed Founder’s Portable Regimen for Skin, Sleep, and Breakfast

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In this article titled “A Travel-Obsessed Founder’s Portable Regimen for Skin, Sleep, and Breakfast,” the author introduces Julie Nguyen, the co-founder and CEO of Methodology, a meal-delivery service. Nguyen, who has a passion for travel and a background in finance and technology, recognized the need for a meal service that offered both convenience and nutritious, delicious options. This led her to create Methodology, a company that delivers meals made with fresh, minimally processed ingredients. Nguyen’s routine, which she follows whether she is at home or on the road, includes a focus on getting enough sleep, starting the day with a cold shower and natural sunlight exposure, and maintaining a regular exercise routine. She also has a simple beauty routine and relies on high-protein breakfasts to fuel her day. Overall, Nguyen’s dedication to self-care and healthy living shines through in her daily habits and the success of Methodology.

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5:30 a.m.

At 5:30 a.m., the individual wakes up naturally. They prioritize getting enough sleep and avoid early-morning meetings or flights to ensure they are well-rested. They are aware of how their body feels when they don’t get enough sleep – hungry, cranky, and foggy – and prioritize a good night’s rest.

5:35 a.m.

Upon waking up, at 5:35 a.m., the individual takes a cold shower or ice bath. They find that cold exposure puts them in a good mood and helps wake them up. If they are staying at a hotel with ice baths, they opt for that instead, although later in the day.

A Travel-Obsessed Founder’s Portable Regimen for Skin, Sleep, and Breakfast

5:40 a.m.

At 5:40 a.m., the individual focuses on getting sunlight exposure to their eyes. They spend twenty minutes sitting by an open window to achieve this. In addition, they listen to relaxing music during this time. They also take the opportunity to write down their top three wins for the day, create a to-do list, and reflect on all the good things that happened in the last 24 hours. This practice helps them start the day with a positive mindset.

6 a.m.

By 6 a.m., the individual engages in a High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workout using the Sweat app. They never miss a day and have maintained this routine for 365 days a year. They appreciate that these workouts can be done anywhere, even in a tiny hotel room using just a chair. If they have access to a gym, they incorporate heavy weights into their routine and add a 30-minute walk at a 10 percent incline. This combination of cardio and strength training has transformed their body and given them muscle definition.

A Travel-Obsessed Founder’s Portable Regimen for Skin, Sleep, and Breakfast

7 a.m.

After completing their workout, at 7 a.m., the individual takes a shower. They use a shampoo that smells good and lathers up into a thick foam. They also use a conditioner to keep their hair from going flat or frizzy. To save time, they wash their hair every other day, as it takes 20 minutes to dry. On non-wash days, they rely on dry shampoo to keep their hair looking fresh.

7:10 a.m.

Having finished their shower, at 7:10 a.m., the individual follows a clean diet and simple clean beauty routine. They prioritize their skin’s health by avoiding gluten, dairy, refined sugar, coffee, and alcohol in their diet. When it comes to their skincare routine, they wash their face with water and then apply sunscreen and serum. They prefer a natural and dewy look, so they use Kosas Revealer concealer and neutral-colored matte eyeshadow, skipping foundation. To achieve a glowy look, they opt for goop’s Colorblur Glow Balm in Slipper. They also take the time to curl their hair with a curling iron to add a finished touch to their appearance.

A Travel-Obsessed Founder’s Portable Regimen for Skin, Sleep, and Breakfast

8:30 a.m.

At 8:30 a.m., the individual starts their workday. They work from various locations, including coffee shops, hotels, and members’ clubs. They like to change locations every three to four weeks to keep things fresh. They prioritize getting to work by 8:30 a.m. and enjoy a matcha or matcha latte with almond or soy milk for an energy boost. They even carry their own Methodology matcha in case they are unable to find it at their travel destination.

10 a.m.

By 10 a.m., the individual has breakfast. Their go-to breakfast option is Methodology egg-white frittata bites. They choose a high-protein breakfast to sustain their energy levels throughout the day and support muscle-building. The fiber from the vegetables in their breakfast also contributes to a healthy gut.

In conclusion, this comprehensive article outlines an individual’s morning routine, focusing on skincare, exercise, and nutrition. By prioritizing sleep, cold showers, sunlight exposure, and a clean diet, this individual sets themselves up for a productive and energized day ahead. They also integrate exercise into their morning routine through HIIT workouts and prioritize self-care by taking care of their skin and hair. Starting the day with a healthy breakfast further supports their overall well-being. With a consistent morning routine focused on wellness, this individual is able to maintain their health and fitness, whether they are at home or traveling.

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