Fears grow for youngest Gaza hostage after Hamas claims 3 family members killed in Israeli bombing

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Fears are growing for the youngest hostage held in the Gaza Strip after Hamas claimed that 10-month-old Kfir Bibas, along with his 4-year-old brother, Ariel, and their mother, Shiri Bibas, had been killed in Israeli bombing. Israel’s military is currently assessing the claim made by the militant group, while relatives anxiously await confirmation or refutation of the news. The Bibas family, who was kidnapped alive into Gaza during the Hamas massacre in October, has become the face of the ongoing hostage crisis, shedding light on the barbarism and cruelty of Hamas. Meanwhile, negotiations are underway in Qatar to extend the truce between Israel and Hamas, ensuring the release of more hostages and Palestinian prisoners.

Fears grow for youngest Gaza hostage after Hamas claims 3 family members killed in Israeli bombing

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Israel’s military assesses claim by Hamas

The Israeli military is currently assessing the claim made by the militant group Hamas that 10-month-old Kfir Bibas, along with his 4-year-old brother Ariel Bibas and their mother Shiri Bibas, have been killed. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have condemned the actions of Hamas, stating that their barbarism and cruelty are on full display with this incident. Representatives from the IDF have spoken with the Bibas family to offer support and are currently working to determine the accuracy of the information provided by Hamas.

Relatives await confirmation or refutation of news

The Bibas family is anxiously waiting for official confirmation or refutation of Hamas’ claim about the death of their family members. During this difficult time, the Hostages and Missing Families Forum has expressed gratitude for the support they have received. The family has requested privacy as they navigate through this complex situation.

Fears grow for youngest Gaza hostage after Hamas claims 3 family members killed in Israeli bombing

Hamas claims 3 hostages killed in Israeli bombing

The military wing of Hamas has claimed that the three Bibas family members were killed in the Gaza Strip as a result of an Israeli bombing. However, NBC News has not been able to independently verify this claim. Israel has accused Hamas of using civilians as human shields, adding another layer of complexity to the negotiations between the two factions. It is important to note that other armed militant groups in Gaza are also holding hostages, further complicating the situation.

Israel accuses Hamas of using civilians as human shields

Israel has accused Hamas of using civilians as shields during the conflict. This accusation further adds to the complexity of the negotiations and highlights the challenges faced in resolving the hostage crisis. The presence of other armed groups holding hostages in Gaza also contributes to the difficult circumstances surrounding the release of the captives.

Fears grow for youngest Gaza hostage after Hamas claims 3 family members killed in Israeli bombing

Family statement released by Hostages and Missing Families Forum

The Bibas family has released a statement through the Hostages and Missing Families Forum, expressing their gratitude for the support they have received from the people of Israel. They have requested privacy during this complex and challenging time. The family’s statement serves as a reminder of the emotional toll that the hostage crisis has taken on their loved ones.

Footage of Shiri Bibas being kidnapped becomes lasting image

The footage of Shiri Bibas being kidnapped from kibbutz Nir Oz near the Gaza border, while she clutched her two young children, has become a lasting image of the terror attack. This distressing scene has shed light on the plight of the hostages in Gaza. The image serves as a stark reminder of the gravity of the situation and the urgent need for a resolution.

Fears grow for youngest Gaza hostage after Hamas claims 3 family members killed in Israeli bombing

Kfir believed to be the youngest captive

At just 10 months old, Kfir Bibas is believed to be the youngest captive among the hostages. Concern for his safety has increased following Hamas’ claim of his death. Israel’s military is currently assessing the accuracy of this information, highlighting the importance of determining the well-being of the youngest captive.

No information available about Yarden Bibas’ well-being

Unfortunately, there is currently no immediate information available about the well-being of Yarden Bibas, Shiri Bibas’ husband. Yarden was also kidnapped alongside his wife and children, and his status remains unknown. The lack of information adds to the anxiety and uncertainty faced by the Bibas family and their supporters.

Fears grow for youngest Gaza hostage after Hamas claims 3 family members killed in Israeli bombing

Relatives hold rally in Tel Aviv to show support and raise awareness

Relatives of the Bibas family, along with their supporters, held a rally in Tel Aviv to show support and raise awareness about the family’s case. The event was organized after the family was not among the hostages freed during the truce. The gathering aimed to create awareness and garner support for the immediate release of the Bibas family. Attendees also wore T-shirts with the images of the family, emphasizing the urgency and significance of the situation.

In conclusion, the fears for the youngest Gaza hostage, Kfir Bibas, continue to grow as Hamas claims that he, along with his brother and mother, have been killed in an Israeli bombing. Israel’s military is currently assessing the accuracy of this claim, while relatives anxiously await confirmation or refutation of the news. The family’s statement, released by the Hostages and Missing Families Forum, expresses gratitude for the support received and emphasizes the need for privacy during this difficult time. The footage of Shiri Bibas being kidnapped has become a lasting image, highlighting the plight of the hostages in Gaza. The rally held in Tel Aviv by relatives and supporters aims to show solidarity and raise awareness about the Bibas family’s case. As negotiations continue and the situation remains complex, it is crucial to prioritize the safety and well-being of all hostages involved.

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