Israel-Hamas War: Israel Considers Flooding Hamas Tunnels as it Pursues Top Leader Underground

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As Israel continues its military assault on southern Gaza in its pursuit of Hamas leaders, it is also considering a new tactic to disable the militant group’s extensive network of underground tunnels – flooding them with seawater. The plan to pump water into the tunnels is among several options being explored by Israel to destroy the system, which has become a significant target in their Gaza campaign. The tunnels have been used to hide hostages, weapons, and fighters, allowing them to evade airstrikes and ambushes from invading ground forces. Hamas leaders have claimed that the tunnels stretch for hundreds of miles and are filled with traps. While the feasibility of this flooding tactic is still unknown, satellite imagery and pictures released by the Israeli army suggest that preparations are being made, with pipes being connected to the sea.

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The ongoing Israel-Hamas War has escalated to new heights as Israel considers flooding Hamas tunnels in an effort to disable the militant group’s vast underground network. This tactic comes as Israel pursues top Hamas leader, Yahya Sinwar, who is believed to be hiding underground. While the Israeli military has not confirmed the flooding tactic, it is seen as a potentially effective strategy to destroy the tunnels, which have been used for various purposes by Hamas, including concealing hostages, weapons, and fighters.

Background Information

The Israel-Hamas War has been characterized by intense conflict between the two sides, with Israel targeting Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip. The tunnels used by Hamas have played a crucial role in the conflict, serving as a means for transportation, ambushes, and storage of weapons and fighters. Recognizing the significance of these tunnels, Israel has made it a priority to disable them in order to weaken Hamas’ capabilities.

Israel-Hamas War: Israel Considers Flooding Hamas Tunnels as it Pursues Top Leader Underground

Israel’s Plan to Disable Hamas Tunnels

One of the strategies being explored by Israel is the flooding of Hamas tunnels with seawater. This plan involves pumping water into the tunnels to render them inoperable. By flooding the tunnels, Israel aims to disrupt Hamas operations and prevent the group from using them for concealment and transportation. However, Israel’s military has declined to comment on the flooding tactic, keeping their plans confidential.

Hamas’ Use of Tunnels

Hamas has heavily relied on underground tunnels throughout the Israel-Hamas War. These tunnels have served as hiding places for hostages, weapons, and fighters, allowing them to operate without exposing themselves to airstrikes or ambushes by invading ground forces. The extensive tunnel network, which Hamas leaders have boasted about, has provided the group with a strategic advantage in their fight against Israel.

Israel-Hamas War: Israel Considers Flooding Hamas Tunnels as it Pursues Top Leader Underground

Hamas Leader Yahya Sinwar

Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, has become a primary target for Israeli forces. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stated that Israeli forces are encircling Sinwar’s home in Khan Younis, believing him to be the mastermind behind the Oct. 7 terror attack that resulted in the deaths of approximately 1,200 people. Israeli army spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari has confirmed that Sinwar is underground, further fueling Israel’s determination to capture him.

Blowing Up Tunnel Entrances

As part of their efforts to disable the Hamas tunnel network, Israeli troops have been blowing up tunnel entrances after discovering hundreds of tunnels throughout Gaza. This method aims to physically destroy the entrances and prevent their immediate use. Additionally, Israel may be considering long-term solutions to render the entire tunnel network inoperable to limit Hamas’ capabilities in the future.

Israel-Hamas War: Israel Considers Flooding Hamas Tunnels as it Pursues Top Leader Underground

Feasibility of Flooding Tunnels

The feasibility of flooding Hamas tunnels with seawater has been a topic of discussion among experts. While it is uncertain if Israel has assembled pumps specifically for this purpose, there have been satellite images and photos released by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) that seem to indicate the connection of pipes to the sea. However, the true preparedness and viability of this tactic remain uncertain.

Previous Flooding of Gaza Tunnels

Flooding tunnels as a means of disabling them is not a novel concept. In the past, Egypt carried out flooding operations in 2013 and 2015 to render Gaza tunnel networks inoperable. These operations proved successful, making the flooded tunnels unusable for smuggling operations. The Israeli military could potentially draw from these past experiences in assessing the effectiveness of flooding Hamas tunnels.

Israel-Hamas War: Israel Considers Flooding Hamas Tunnels as it Pursues Top Leader Underground

Leaflets and Quranic Verse

In an effort to further intimidate Hamas and its supporters, the Israeli army has reportedly distributed leaflets in the Khan Younis area. These leaflets feature a Quranic verse that reads, “The flood overtook them as they were wrongdoers.” While some observers have linked this verse to Hamas’ name for its Oct. 7 attack, others have connected it to the reports of Israel’s consideration of flooding the tunnel network.

Concerns about Seawater Damage

The potential use of seawater to flood Hamas tunnels raises concerns about the long-term effects on Gaza’s land and aquifer. Flooding the tunnels could lead to the destruction of the underground reservoir, which could have devastating effects on the viability of the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian Water Authority has warned that high rates of salinity could contaminate the aquifer, exacerbating an already dire humanitarian crisis in the region.

In conclusion, Israel’s consideration of flooding Hamas tunnels as part of its pursuit of top leader Yahya Sinwar reflects the determination to disable the extensive underground network used by Hamas. While the exact details and feasibility of this tactic remain unknown, its potential impact on Hamas’ capabilities and the region’s humanitarian situation warrants careful examination and consideration. As the Israel-Hamas War continues, it is crucial to monitor developments and assess the effectiveness and consequences of various strategies employed by both sides.

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