Israeli military analysts flagged Hamas plans to ‘start a war’ before terror attack

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Israeli military analysts had flagged Hamas’ plans to “start a war” months before the Oct. 7 terrorist attack, according to a senior Israeli official. However, their concerns were dismissed by their superiors. The incident sheds light on the growing evidence that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government ignored crucial warnings about Hamas’ intentions to attack Israel. The New York Times report further revealed that Israeli authorities had obtained a blueprint of Hamas’ assault a year in advance but did not believe the group was capable of carrying it out. As a result, more than 1,200 people died in the attack, making it the deadliest terrorist strike in Israeli history. The Israeli military has pledged to conduct an investigation into the matter once the conflict with Hamas is over.

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Israeli military analysts flagged Hamas plans to ‘start a war’ before terror attack

Three months before the Oct. 7 terrorist attack, analysts in the Israeli military alerted their superiors to a serious threat from Hamas militants. These analysts had identified a “plan designed to start a war” by Hamas, but their concerns were dismissed by their superiors, according to an Israeli official familiar with the matter. This incident is part of a growing body of evidence that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government missed or ignored key warnings about Hamas’ plans to attack the country.

The New York Times recently reported that Israeli authorities had obtained Hamas’ plans for an Oct. 7-style assault a year before it occurred. However, Israeli experts did not believe that Hamas was capable of carrying out such an attack and disregarded the step-by-step blueprint. The attack resulted in over 1,200 deaths and more than 200 abductions, making it the worst terrorist strike in Israeli history. The reports of missed warnings and ignored plans raise questions about the effectiveness of Israeli intelligence and the decision-making of the Netanyahu government.


There is growing evidence of missed warnings by Netanyahu’s government regarding Hamas’ plans to attack Israel. The New York Times report sheds light on Israeli authorities obtaining Hamas’ plans for an assault similar to the Oct. 7 attack. The fact that Israeli experts disregarded the blueprint indicates a failure to recognize the threat posed by Hamas.

Israeli military analysts flagged Hamas plans to ‘start a war’ before terror attack

The Female Analyst’s Warning

Emails from July 6 described a May training session by Hamas, with the subject line “Death in the Kibbutz, at any cost.” The female analyst who sent the email warned that this training session was a plan designed to start a war. Unfortunately, her warning was dismissed as an “imaginary scenario” by her superiors. The fact that her concerns were not taken seriously raises questions about the decision-making process within the Israeli military and intelligence.

Confirmation of Warnings

The female analyst’s colleague backed up her warning, providing further confirmation of the seriousness of the situation. Hamas militants were reportedly chanting violent slogans and preparing for a major event. These activities indicated that Hamas was preparing for an attack, contrary to the belief that the May training session was merely for show.

Israeli military analysts flagged Hamas plans to ‘start a war’ before terror attack

IDF Response

In response to the warnings, an IDF commander acknowledged the analyst’s good work. However, he dismissed the training session as an “imaginary scenario” and not a concrete battle plan. This response demonstrates a lack of understanding or underestimation of the threat posed by Hamas.

Secretary of State’s Response

Secretary of State Antony Blinken has promised accountability and an investigation into the missed warnings and Hamas’ attack. The focus is on preventing similar incidents from happening again in the future. This acknowledgment of the need for accountability is an important step in addressing the failures in intelligence and decision-making.

Israeli military analysts flagged Hamas plans to ‘start a war’ before terror attack

Implications for Netanyahu

The intelligence failure and missed warnings may weaken Netanyahu’s political standing within Israel. Calls for his resignation have grown in recent weeks, and this incident further highlights the shortcomings of his government’s approach to national security. Additionally, protests against his plans to overhaul the country’s judicial system add to the challenges he currently faces.

Truce Breaks and Continuing Conflict

The fragile seven-day truce between Israel and Hamas has broken, with Hamas firing rockets on Israel and failing to provide a list of hostages to be released. The renewed fighting has resulted in casualties and injuries in Gaza, further exacerbating the ongoing conflict in the region.

Israeli military analysts flagged Hamas plans to ‘start a war’ before terror attack

Previous Beliefs About Hamas

Israeli leaders had previously believed that Hamas was under control, allowing Gazans to work in Israel and providing aid to Gaza for energy resource development. However, Israeli officials now admit that they were wrong about Hamas’ intentions. This acknowledgement raises questions about the effectiveness of Israeli policies towards Hamas and the larger implications for regional security.

In conclusion, the Israeli military analysts’ warnings about Hamas’ plans to “start a war” before the Oct. 7 terrorist attack were dismissed by Israeli officials. This intelligence failure has raised concerns about the effectiveness of Israeli intelligence and the decision-making process within the Netanyahu government. The implications of these missed warnings may weaken Netanyahu’s political standing and have led to calls for his resignation. As the conflict between Israel and Hamas continues, the need for accountability and prevention of similar incidents is crucial. This incident has also highlighted the previous misconceptions about Hamas and the challenges of dealing with an unpredictable and militant group.

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