Newly released hostages share their experiences of captivity under Hamas

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As recently freed hostages attempt to regain a sense of normalcy, their families begin to share the harrowing details of their loved ones’ captivity under Hamas. With the release of more than fifty hostages over the past three days, accounts of their experiences are starting to emerge. Family members report instances of hunger, limited food supply, and sleeping on benches. Hostages recall the scarcity of water and the conditions of their makeshift toilets. The trauma experienced by these individuals is evident as some struggle to show emotion and speak about their ordeals as if they were scenes from a movie. As more hostages are released, their stories shed light on the harsh realities endured while in captivity.

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Details of Life in Captivity

Hostages’ Descriptions of Living Conditions

As the hostages released by Hamas attempt to readjust to normal life, their family members are beginning to share details of the living conditions they endured during their captivity. According to accounts given by family members of the released hostages, the conditions varied. For example, Hila Rotem Shoshani, who was released on Saturday without her mother who remains in Hamas custody, described having access to toilets and food. However, there were times when there was not enough food, and hunger became an issue for some hostages. Keren Munder, who was released along with her 9-year-old son and mother, also mentioned the scarcity of food, as well as the uncomfortable sleeping arrangements.

Food and Hunger

The issue of food was a common concern for many of the hostages. Reports from family members suggest that food was in short supply and sometimes inadequate. Hostages like Hila Rotem Shoshani and Keren Munder mentioned instances when they were hungry due to the scarcity of food. This raises concerns about the well-being and nutrition of those still held captive.

Access to Water

Water was another resource that hostages often had limited access to. Hila Rotem Shoshani described how they had to wait for water and that it was only provided periodically in bottles. This suggests that there may have been challenges with water availability and distribution throughout their captivity.

Toilet Facilities

Family members also provided insights into the limited access to toilet facilities during captivity. Keren Munder, for example, described the toilet as a “disaster” and mentioned having to knock on the door to let their captors know if they needed to use it. Sometimes the hostages had to endure long waits, up to two hours, before being allowed to use the facilities.

Movement and Location

Reports from family members indicate that hostages were frequently moved from place to place, making it difficult for them to determine their exact location. Keren Munder’s cousin mentioned that they were unable to find out how many people were killed or taken hostage during the attack in October, highlighting the information vacuum they were subjected to.

Information Vacuum

A common experience among the released hostages was the lack of information and communication. Family members noted that their loved ones had little knowledge of the events that occurred outside of their immediate surroundings. This information vacuum left the hostages unaware of the extent of the situation and the actions being taken to secure their release.

Language Barrier

Communication was a challenge for the hostages, as they often spoke different languages from their captors. Keren Munder and her family primarily communicated in English with the person who supervised them. This language barrier further isolated them and limited their ability to understand and interact with their captors.

Adjusting to Sunlight

Several family members mentioned that released hostages had to readjust to sunlight after spending weeks in darkness within Hamas tunnels. Adina Moshe, for example, had to adapt to the sunlight after being confined in darkness. This adjustment period highlights the difficult and disorienting conditions the hostages experienced during their captivity.

Media Consumption

While some reports suggest that hostages were kept in an information vacuum, others indicate that some captives followed Israeli media and were informed about current events. This discrepancy in access to media raises questions about the level of control and information provided to the hostages during their captivity.

Escape Attempts and Recapture

There were accounts of escape attempts by some hostages, such as Roni Krivoi, who managed to briefly escape before being recaptured by local residents and handed back to Hamas. These incidents demonstrate both the resilience of the hostages and the challenges they faced in their attempts to regain their freedom.

Individual Accounts

Hila Rotem Shoshani

Hila Rotem Shoshani, who was released without her mother, provided details about the living conditions during her captivity. She mentioned having access to toilets and food, although there were times when food was scarce. Her account provides a firsthand perspective on the challenges faced by the hostages.

Keren Munder and Ohad

Keren Munder, her 9-year-old son Ohad, and her mother were also among the released hostages. Keren shared her experiences with her cousin, highlighting the scarcity of food, uncomfortable sleeping arrangements, and the challenges with toilet facilities. This account provides insights into the conditions faced by this particular group of hostages.

Adina Moshe

Adina Moshe, who was released after being kidnapped from her home, had to adjust to sunlight after weeks of being confined in darkness. Her experience sheds light on the physical and psychological adjustments that the hostages had to make upon their release.

Roni Krivoi

Roni Krivoi, who was kidnapped from a music festival, attempted to escape from his captors but was recaptured. This account demonstrates the desperation and determination of the hostages to regain their freedom.

Yocheved Lifshitz

Yocheved Lifshitz, who was released prior to the cease-fire, made headlines when she shook hands with one of the Hamas militants and said “shalom” upon her release. Her account provided early insights into the conditions she and her husband endured during their captivity, including beatings, but also described relatively decent treatment and access to medical care.

Newly released hostages share their experiences of captivity under Hamas

Israeli Efforts to Bring Hostages Home

Cease-fire Agreement

To secure the release of the hostages, a temporary cease-fire agreement was reached between Israel and Hamas. This agreement allowed for the release of the hostages in phases, with more than 50 hostages being freed over the course of three days. The cease-fire provided a window of opportunity for negotiations and the return of the hostages.

Extension of Truce

Hamas and Qatari mediators announced an extension of the truce, allowing for an additional two days of the cease-fire. This extension aimed to facilitate the release of more hostages and provide more time for negotiations between the parties involved.

Conditions for Cease-fire Extension

Israel had previously stated that it was willing to extend the cease-fire by one day for every 10 additional hostages released. This condition put pressure on Hamas to release more hostages and increased the likelihood of a longer-lasting cease-fire agreement. The extension of the truce provided hope for the remaining hostages and their families for a swift and safe return.

Concerns for Remaining Hostages

Waiting for News

As the released hostages settle back into their lives, concerns for the well-being of those still held captive continue to grow. Family members anxiously wait for news about their loved ones, hoping for their safe return. The uncertainty and fear surrounding the fate of the remaining hostages add to the emotional burden endured by their families.

Worries about Well-being

Family members hold deep concerns about the well-being of the hostages still in captivity. Reports of limited access to food, water, and proper sanitation raise worries about the physical health and nutrition of those still held. The mental and emotional toll of their experiences is also a cause for concern. Attention and efforts are being directed towards ensuring their safe release and the provision of necessary support upon their return.

Newly released hostages share their experiences of captivity under Hamas

Reporter Information

Richard Engel

Richard Engel, NBC News’ chief foreign correspondent, reported from Tel Aviv, providing insights into the conditions and experiences of the released hostages. Engel’s coverage contributes to the understanding of the ongoing situation and the efforts being taken to bring the hostages home.

Raf Sanchez

Raf Sanchez, a foreign correspondent for NBC News, also reported from Tel Aviv, offering perspectives and updates on the situation surrounding the released hostages. Sanchez’s reporting adds depth and analysis to the events unfolding in the region.

Yuliya Talmazan

Yuliya Talmazan, a London-based journalist, provided additional reporting on the situation, expanding the coverage and perspectives presented. Talmazan’s contributions contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the ordeal faced by the hostages and the ongoing efforts to secure their release.

Gabe Joselow

Gabe Joselow, another contributor to the reporting, provided additional insights and details to the coverage of the released hostages. Joselow’s reporting assists in presenting a comprehensive picture of the situation and the experiences of those affected.


The descriptions provided by family members of the released hostages shed light on the challenging conditions endured by the captives. The scarcity of food, limited access to water and sanitation facilities, and the information vacuum experienced during their captivity highlight the hardships faced by those still held captive. As Israeli efforts to bring the remaining hostages home continue, concerns for their well-being and anxieties over their fate persist. The accounts of the released hostages, along with the reporting by Richard Engel, Raf Sanchez, Yuliya Talmazan, and Gabe Joselow, provide important insights into the ongoing crisis and efforts to resolve it. NBC News remains committed to providing comprehensive coverage and support throughout this challenging time.

Newly released hostages share their experiences of captivity under Hamas

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