Power outages in Gaza’s main hospital affect ICU and pediatric ward

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The main hospital in Gaza is facing a critical situation as power outages have affected the intensive care unit (ICU) and the pediatric ward. According to Palestinian health officials, the outages occurred after heavy bombardment and fighting in the vicinity of the facility. Tragically, two deaths have already been reported because of the lack of electricity, including an infant. Additionally, at least 37 premature babies are at risk due to the power outages, and the hospital is currently sheltering around 700 patients, including displaced individuals seeking refuge. The situation is worsened by a lack of food and water within the hospital, posing significant challenges for both patients and medical staff. As the conflict between Israel and Hamas continues, the safety and well-being of those within the hospital remain in jeopardy.

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Power outages have struck Gaza’s main hospital, Al-Shifa, impacting the ICU and pediatric ward. These outages are a result of heavy bombardment and fighting near the facility. Tragically, two deaths have already been reported due to the lack of electricity. Additionally, the lives of 37 premature babies are at risk because of the power outage. The hospital is currently sheltering as many as 700 patients, but there is also a scarcity of food and water. Other hospitals in Gaza City have also been targeted by strikes, leading to concerns about the safety of medical facilities. There have even been allegations of militants hiding under hospitals, prompting Israel to conduct a review of the strike at Al-Shifa hospital.

Impact on Patients

The lack of electricity is having a severe impact on the patients at Al-Shifa hospital. The ICU and pediatric ward, crucial units for treating critical patients, are struggling to provide adequate care due to the power outages. Tragically, two individuals, including an infant, have already lost their lives as a result. The lives of 37 premature babies are also in jeopardy because the necessary equipment and infrastructure that rely on electricity are not functioning. Furthermore, the lack of food and water further exacerbates the challenges faced by the patients and medical staff.

Power outages in Gaza’s main hospital affect ICU and pediatric ward

Sufficiency of Medical Resources

Despite the challenging circumstances, Al-Shifa hospital continues to be inundated with a significant number of injured individuals. The medical staff, dedicated to their patients, refuse to leave their side even during the ongoing conflict. However, this dedication puts a strain on the availability of medical resources and continuous care. As the fighting continues, there are growing concerns about the long-term sustainability of the hospital and its ability to provide the necessary medical resources to meet the growing demand.

Humanitarian Concerns

The World Health Organization has expressed deep concern regarding the strikes on Al-Shifa hospital, along with other hospitals in Gaza City. They are calling for the respect of international humanitarian law and the implementation of a humanitarian cease-fire to ensure the safety and well-being of those in need of medical care. The conflict has forced health workers to flee the hospital in search of safety, leaving behind a significant gap in medical support. Furthermore, the ongoing hostilities have made it difficult to provide proper burials for the deceased, adding to the already dire humanitarian situation in Gaza.

Power outages in Gaza’s main hospital affect ICU and pediatric ward

Israeli Military Response

The Israeli military has been engaged in intense fighting against Hamas in the vicinity of Al-Shifa hospital. While they have taken measures to minimize harm to civilians, including no shooting at the hospital and no siege, the intensity of the conflict poses challenges to the safety and security of both medical staff and patients. The military has also stated that they are willing to coordinate safe evacuations from the hospital for those who wish to leave.

Situation at Other Hospitals

Al-Quds hospital in Gaza City is currently surrounded by Israeli tanks and military vehicles. The continuous artillery shelling and intense shooting in the area have put the hospital at great risk. The Palestine Red Crescent Society has called on the international community to intervene and protect the hospital from further harm. Al-Rantisi and Al-Nasr hospitals for children have also faced multiple bombardments, adding to the growing concerns about the safety of medical facilities in the region.

Power outages in Gaza’s main hospital affect ICU and pediatric ward

Misfired Rocket Allegations

Israel has alleged that Hamas militants are hiding under hospitals, using them as shields. However, these accusations have been denied by both Hamas and hospital workers. Furthermore, a senior Israeli security official has suggested that the strike on Al-Shifa hospital may have been caused by a misfired rocket launched by a militant group within Gaza. The Israeli military is conducting a review of its operational systems and intelligence regarding this incident to ensure accurate assessments of future strikes.

Worries and Determination of Hospital Staff

The hospital staff at Al-Shifa express their fear for the future of the facility and the individuals seeking shelter within its walls. They understand the dangers they face but remain committed to providing care for the injured. Dr. Adnan Albursh, a consultant orthopedic surgeon at the hospital, denies the presence of militants at the hospital and asserts that only medical health professionals and those in need of help are granted access. Despite their worries, the staff at Al-Shifa hospital persist in fulfilling their duty to care for the injured during this critical time.

Power outages in Gaza’s main hospital affect ICU and pediatric ward


The power outages at Gaza’s main hospital, Al-Shifa, have created a critical situation for patients and medical staff. The lack of electricity, along with other challenges such as scarcity of food and water, has had a prolonged impact on the facility. Urgent international intervention is necessary to ensure the safety of hospitals and the respect of humanitarian law. The ongoing conflict threatens the lives of patients and the ability of medical staff to provide adequate care. The situation at Al-Shifa and other hospitals in Gaza City highlights the dire need for a resolution and a commitment to the well-being of those in need of medical assistance.

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