Using an Apple AirPort Extreme in 2023: #wifi

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“In the realm of tech exploration, one might stumble upon unexpected treasures. This is exactly what happened to the narrator of the video by Petes Place Unboxing, who serendipitously encountered an Apple AirPort Extreme and an Airport Express at a Goodwill store, each priced at a mere five dollars. Intrigued by the potential of these seemingly outdated devices, the narrator decided to put them to the test in 2023. The forthcoming article will delve into their performance and assess their usability in the modern era.”

Using the Speed Test app, the narrator was pleasantly surprised by the AirPort Extreme’s ability to handle up to 50 devices simultaneously. Though the upload speeds were not flawless, the download speeds proved to be impressive. With no major issues encountered, the narrator concluded that, if one is in search of an affordable router and comes across a good deal on an Apple AirPort Extreme, it remains a viable option even in 2023.


Introduction to the Apple AirPort Extreme and its capabilities

The Apple AirPort Extreme is a wireless router that offers high-performance networking capabilities. With its sleek design and advanced features, it has become a popular choice among tech enthusiasts. This article will delve into the various features of the AirPort Extreme and discuss its performance, particularly in terms of download and upload speeds. Additionally, it will provide an overview of the user experience and offer recommendations for alternative router options.


Impressive capacity to handle up to 50 devices simultaneously

One of the standout features of the Apple AirPort Extreme is its ability to accommodate up to 50 devices simultaneously. This makes it an ideal choice for households or small offices with multiple devices connected to the network. Whether it is smartphones, tablets, laptops, gaming consoles, or smart home devices, the AirPort Extreme can efficiently manage the demands of a modern connected environment.

Download speeds

The download speeds of the AirPort Extreme have been praised by users, providing a seamless and fast internet browsing experience. Whether streaming high-definition videos or downloading large files, the AirPort Extreme performs exceptionally well, delivering consistent and reliable download speeds.

Upload speeds

While the download speeds of the AirPort Extreme are impressive, some users have reported slightly lower upload speeds compared to other routers on the market. Although the upload speeds may not be as optimal as desired, they are still sufficient for regular use and shouldn’t pose a significant inconvenience for most users.

Using an Apple AirPort Extreme in 2023: #wifi


Video by Petes Place Unboxing

To get a visual understanding of the unboxing experience of the Apple AirPort Extreme, Pete’s Place Unboxing has created a video that showcases the process. This video provides valuable insight for potential buyers who want to see the product up-close before making a purchase.

Link to Petes Place Unboxing store

For those interested in purchasing the Apple AirPort Extreme or other tech-related products, Pete’s Place Unboxing has a store where they offer a wide range of items. The link to the store can be found on their website, allowing users to explore available options.

Where to Find

Checking Goodwills for unique tech finds

If you’re a tech enthusiast who enjoys discovering unique and rare tech items, checking Goodwill stores can be an exciting endeavor. These thrift stores often have a collection of previously owned tech devices at affordable prices, including routers like the AirPort Extreme. Exploring Goodwills can be a great way to find hidden gems and add interesting pieces to your tech collection.

Discovering the AirPort Extreme and AirPort Express

During one of his Goodwill adventures, Pete’s Place Unboxing stumbled upon the AirPort Extreme and AirPort Express routers. Both devices were priced at an astonishingly low $5 each, making it an irresistible deal. Intrigued by their potential, Pete decided to create a video reviewing and testing the AirPort Extreme in 2023.

Affordable price of $5

The AirPort Extreme’s affordability is one of its key selling points. With a price tag of just $5, it is an absolute steal. Despite being released in 2013, the AirPort Extreme still holds value and can provide a reliable networking solution at an incredibly low price.

Using an Apple AirPort Extreme in 2023: #wifi

Testing in 2023

Using the Speed Test app for performance evaluation

To evaluate the performance of the AirPort Extreme in 2023, Pete’s Place Unboxing used the Speed Test app. This popular application measures the download and upload speeds of an internet connection, providing valuable data to assess the router’s capabilities. By conducting thorough and rigorous testing, Pete’s Place Unboxing aimed to provide an accurate representation of the AirPort Extreme’s performance.

Download Speeds

Performance and results

During the testing process, the AirPort Extreme showcased impressive download speeds. Users can expect fast and consistent download speeds, allowing for smooth streaming, quick file downloads, and seamless browsing experiences. The AirPort Extreme’s robust performance in this area makes it an excellent option for individuals who rely heavily on the download speed of their internet connection.

Comparison to other routers in the market

When comparing the download speeds of the AirPort Extreme to other routers currently available in the market, it holds its ground admirably. While there may be routers that offer slightly faster download speeds, the AirPort Extreme’s performance remains competitive. Considering its affordability, it offers great value for money in terms of download speeds.

Using an Apple AirPort Extreme in 2023: #wifi

Upload Speeds

Performance and results

While the AirPort Extreme excels in download speeds, the upload speeds have been reported to be slightly lower in comparison. Users may experience a minor reduction in upload speed compared to some other routers on the market. However, it is important to note that for most everyday tasks, the upload speeds of the AirPort Extreme are still adequate and should not cause any significant issues.

Potential limitations

It is worth mentioning that if you heavily rely on uploading large files or require ultra-fast upload speeds for tasks such as video conferencing or cloud-based storage, the AirPort Extreme’s upload speeds might present limitations. In such cases, it is advisable to explore other routers that specialize in providing exceptional upload speeds.

Overall Performance

Positive experience with minimal issues

Based on the testing conducted by Pete’s Place Unboxing, the overall performance of the Apple AirPort Extreme in 2023 has been impressive. Users can expect a positive experience with minimal issues. The router delivers reliable and consistent connectivity, smooth download speeds, and satisfactory upload speeds for regular use.

Suitability for everyday use in 2023

Considering its excellent download speeds, ability to handle multiple devices, and reliable performance, the Apple AirPort Extreme remains a suitable choice for everyday use in 2023. Whether for personal or professional use, this router offers sufficient capabilities to meet the needs of a modern connected lifestyle.

Using an Apple AirPort Extreme in 2023: #wifi


Affordability and value for money

One of the main factors that make the Apple AirPort Extreme an attractive choice is its affordability. With a price as low as $5, it provides excellent value for money. For individuals seeking a budget-friendly yet reliable networking solution, the AirPort Extreme is certainly worth considering.

Alternative router options

While the Apple AirPort Extreme is a solid option, it is always beneficial to explore alternative router options. Depending on specific requirements, there are numerous routers available in the market that offer varying features and performance. Some notable alternatives include routers from brands like TP-Link, Asus, and Netgear. Researching different models and understanding individual needs can help identify the best router choice.


Final thoughts on using the Apple AirPort Extreme in 2023

In conclusion, the Apple AirPort Extreme continues to be a viable option for individuals seeking an affordable and reliable router in 2023. With its impressive capacity to handle multiple devices simultaneously, fast download speeds, and satisfactory overall performance, it offers a worthwhile networking solution. While its upload speeds may not be as optimal as desired for certain tasks, it still delivers a positive user experience with minimal issues. For those looking for a budget-friendly router without compromising on quality, the Apple AirPort Extreme remains a solid choice.

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