What is Hamas?

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Hamas is a militant Palestinian movement that has gained international attention due to its recent deadly attack in Israel. Founded in 1987 during an uprising against Israel’s occupation of Gaza and the West Bank, Hamas is currently led by Ismail Haniyeh and is one of the two major political factions in the Palestinian territories, with Fatah being its main rival. Hamas has been designated as a terrorist organization by numerous countries, including the U.S., the U.K., and the European Union, due to its attacks on Israel, which include kidnapping civilians, conducting suicide bombings, and firing rockets into Israeli cities. Despite its militant activities, Hamas also provides social services for people in Gaza, such as education and medical care. This article provides an overview of Hamas’ history, its relationship with Iran, and its recent conflict with Israel.

What is Hamas?

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What is Hamas?

Hamas is a militant Palestinian movement currently led by Ismail Haniyeh. The group is one of the two major political factions in the Palestinian territories. Its main rival is Fatah, which is seen as more secular and moderate and controls the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. Founded in 1987 during an uprising against Israel’s occupation of Gaza and the West Bank, Hamas was originally a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist political and social movement originating in Egypt. In recent years, Hamas has distanced itself from the Brotherhood.

The founding and origins of Hamas

Hamas was established in 1987 during an uprising against Israel’s occupation of Gaza and the West Bank. It originated as a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist political and social movement that originated in Egypt. The group gained momentum as it sought to resist Israel’s presence and assert Palestinian self-determination.

The power struggle between Hamas and Fatah

After winning elections in the Gaza Strip in 2006, a power struggle ensued between Hamas and Fatah, resulting in Hamas fighters ousting all Fatah politicians from Gaza by force. Since then, no elections have been held, and Hamas maintains political control of the area. The power struggle between Hamas and Fatah has created political divisions among Palestinians and hindered progress towards peaceful coexistence with Israel.

The blockade of Gaza

Israel imposed a blockade on the Gaza Strip in 2007, taking control of sea, land, and air routes to Gaza. The blockade was implemented to prevent Hamas attacks on Israelis, but it has been criticized and condemned by the United Nations and human rights groups. The blockade has been in place for nearly 17 years and has allowed Hamas to fill a power vacuum in Gaza.

What is Hamas?

Designation as a terrorist organization

Hamas has been designated as a terrorist organization by the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union, Canada, and many other countries. The designation is due to Hamas’ attacks on Israel, which include kidnapping civilians, conducting suicide bombings, and firing rocket salvos into Israeli cities. However, some countries, like New Zealand, only deem Hamas’ military wing, known as the Qassam Brigades, to be a terrorist group. The United Nations has not designated any part of Hamas as a terrorist group.

Hamas’ military wing: the Qassam Brigades

The Qassam Brigades is Hamas’ military wing. It is responsible for carrying out attacks on Israel, including firing rockets and conducting armed operations. The Qassam Brigades play a significant role in Hamas’ strategy of resistance against Israeli occupation.

What is Hamas?

Social services provided by Hamas

In addition to its militant activities, Hamas provides social services for people in Gaza, such as education and medical care. These services have helped Hamas gain support and legitimacy among the population.

Hamas’ objectives and tactics

Hamas’ primary objective is to free Palestinians from occupation and reclaim large parts of Israel. The group employs various tactics, including violence, to achieve its goals. However, these tactics have been divisive among Palestinians and those who support establishing a Palestinian state. The use of violence by Hamas has raised concerns regarding its impact on Palestinian statehood and the prospects for peaceful coexistence with Israel.

What is Hamas?

Hamas’ charter and its changes over time

Hamas’ original charter called for the destruction of Israel. In 2017, the group issued a new charter that appeared to be a more moderate stance. The new charter expressed a willingness to accept a Palestinian state within the borders that existed in 1967, consisting of the West Bank, Gaza, and all of Jerusalem. However, Hamas still refuses to acknowledge Israel’s existence and rejects previous Israeli-Palestinian peace agreements, such as the Oslo Accords. The charter changes were seen as an attempt by Hamas to improve its relations with the Egyptian government and distance itself from the Muslim Brotherhood.

Popularity among Palestinians

Hamas’ popularity among Palestinians has fluctuated over the years. A recent poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research found that nearly a quarter of Palestinians view movements like Hamas as the most positive thing that has happened to the Palestinian people since 1948. However, one-third of Palestinians expressed lamentation over political divisions among Palestinians, with the split between Hamas and Fatah being seen as the most damaging development since the occupation began. The divisive nature of Hamas’ tactics and the ongoing political divisions within Palestinian society contribute to varying levels of support for the group.

What is Hamas?

Hamas’ relationship with Iran

Hamas has had ties to Iran for decades. In the early 1990s, Iran hosted conferences as a counterweight to the ongoing Arab-Israeli peace process, during which Hamas delegates developed high-level contacts in Iran. Iran has provided Hamas with financial support and military hardware, including missiles. There is evidence of training and sharing of missile technology between Iran and Hamas. While Hamas publicly celebrated Iran’s support, including during the most recent conflict, Iran has denied direct involvement in Hamas’ attacks on Israel.

The most recent conflict between Hamas and Israel

The most recent conflict between Hamas and Israel occurred in 2021. The conflict began with clashes in East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, which escalated into an 11-day war. Hamas launched more than 2,000 rockets primarily targeting Ashkelon and Tel Aviv, resulting in casualties on both sides. The U.N. accused Israeli forces of possible war crimes, while Hamas’ indiscriminate rocket fire was also condemned as a violation of the rules of war. The conflict further highlighted the ongoing tensions and challenges to achieving a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

What is Hamas?