What to Do When Sex Hurts—and What Your Doctor Might Be Missing

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Sexual pain can have a profound impact on a person’s quality of life, yet often goes unnoticed or ignored by doctors. Vulvodynia, a chronic condition characterized by vaginal pain, affects a significant number of women, but is frequently misdiagnosed or dismissed by medical professionals. In an article entitled “What to Do When Sex Hurts—and What Your Doctor Might Be Missing,” author Zoe Moscovici sheds light on the challenges faced by patients seeking proper diagnosis and treatment for vulvodynia. With insights from obstetrician-gynecologists Nancy Phillips and Gloria Bachmann, as well as experts in physical therapy and sex therapy, the article provides valuable information on getting a correct diagnosis, individualized treatment options, and strategies for coping with chronic vulvovaginal pain. Ultimately, the article serves as a resource for those experiencing sexual pain, offering hope and guidance in a medical landscape that often falls short in addressing their concerns.

Common Causes of Painful Sex

What to Do When Sex Hurts—and What Your Doctor Might Be Missing

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Vulvodynia: A Chronic Vaginal Pain Condition

Vulvodynia is a common but often misunderstood condition characterized by chronic vaginal pain. It can make it difficult or even impossible to engage in sexual activities, insert tampons, or even sit down comfortably. Studies have shown that over 16 percent of women will experience vulvodynia at some point in their lives, yet many people have never heard of it. This lack of awareness can make it challenging for individuals to seek help and find the right treatment.

Undereducation of Doctors about Vulvodynia

One of the major obstacles for individuals suffering from vulvodynia is the undereducation of doctors about this condition. Many healthcare professionals are not adequately trained to recognize and diagnose vulvodynia, leading to misdiagnosis and improper treatment. Patients often find themselves being told to simply relax or that the pain will go away on its own. However, recurrent pain in the vulvovaginal area should be taken seriously and thoroughly evaluated by a healthcare professional.

Misdiagnosis and Treatment Errors

Due to the lack of understanding and knowledge about vulvodynia, misdiagnosis and treatment errors are unfortunately common. Many patients with vulvodynia are repeatedly treated for conditions such as yeast infections, when in fact they have an underlying case of vulvodynia. This repeated misdiagnosis not only prolongs suffering but also delays the start of effective treatment. Additionally, systemic issues with medical access and racial bias in vulvodynia research contribute to higher rates of misdiagnosis among women of color.

Getting a Correct Diagnosis

Signs and Symptoms of Vulvodynia

Unexplained itching, burning, or pain in the vulva are common signs and symptoms of vulvodynia. If these symptoms persist, it is crucial to seek a thorough evaluation from a healthcare professional familiar with the condition. A proper diagnosis will involve ruling out other potential causes such as yeast or bacterial infections, as well as skin disorders. It is important to note that vulvodynia is a diagnosis of exclusion, meaning it is only determined after other possible causes have been ruled out.

What to Do When Sex Hurts—and What Your Doctor Might Be Missing

The Importance of Finding the Right Doctor

Finding the right doctor who is knowledgeable about vulvodynia is essential for obtaining a correct diagnosis and developing an effective treatment plan. However, it may require persistence and seeking out multiple healthcare professionals before finding one who truly listens and understands the condition. Building a strong patient-doctor relationship based on trust and open communication is crucial for managing vulvodynia effectively.

The Challenges Faced by Women of Color

Women of color often face additional challenges when seeking a correct diagnosis and treatment for vulvodynia. Racial bias in medical research and healthcare access disparities contribute to a higher rate of misdiagnosis among women of color. These systemic issues highlight the importance of advocacy and increasing awareness about vulvodynia within healthcare systems to ensure equitable care for all individuals.

Treatment Options for Vulvodynia

What to Do When Sex Hurts—and What Your Doctor Might Be Missing

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

Pelvic floor physical therapy is often the first line of treatment for vulvodynia. The muscles and nerves surrounding the pelvis play a crucial role in the sensation and function of the vulva. By addressing any tension or dysfunction in these muscles, pelvic floor physical therapy can help alleviate vulvodynia symptoms. Techniques such as myofascial trigger point release, which involves manually relaxing tense muscles, can be effective in reducing pain and discomfort.

Compounded Creams and Medications

Compounded creams and medications may be prescribed to manage the symptoms of vulvodynia. These formulations are often customized to meet the individual’s needs and can provide targeted relief. Topical creams and medications with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce pain and inflammation in the vulvovaginal area.

What to Do When Sex Hurts—and What Your Doctor Might Be Missing

Biofeedback and Nerve Blocks

Biofeedback techniques can be used to help individuals with vulvodynia gain control over their pelvic floor muscles and reduce pain. Nerve blocks, such as local anesthetics, can also be administered to provide temporary pain relief. These interventions can be helpful in managing acute symptoms and providing relief during flare-ups.

Surgical Interventions

In severe cases of vulvodynia that do not respond to conservative treatments, surgical interventions may be considered. Surgical options include vestibulectomy, which involves the removal of painful tissue, and neurectomy, which involves surgically cutting or removing affected nerves. These procedures should be carefully considered and discussed with a healthcare professional, as they involve potential risks and long-term effects.

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

What to Do When Sex Hurts—and What Your Doctor Might Be Missing

The Role of Pelvic Floor Muscles in Vulvodynia

The pelvic floor muscles play a vital role in vulvodynia. Tension or dysfunction in these muscles can contribute to vulvar pain and discomfort. Pelvic floor physical therapy aims to address these muscle imbalances through various techniques and exercises. By improving muscle strength, flexibility, and coordination, patients may experience a reduction in vulvodynia symptoms.

Myofascial Trigger Point Release

Myofascial trigger point release is a technique commonly used in pelvic floor physical therapy to alleviate tension in the muscles. This technique involves manually applying pressure to specific trigger points in the muscles, helping to release knots and reduce pain. Patients may also be instructed in self-massage techniques to continue the treatment at home between therapy sessions.

Using Vaginal Dilators for Home Treatment

Vaginal dilators can be a valuable tool for home treatment in vulvodynia. These devices help stretch and relax the pelvic floor muscles, allowing for increased comfort during sexual activities. It is essential to work closely with a healthcare professional experienced in treating vulvodynia to determine the appropriate size and frequency of use for vaginal dilators.

Coping with Chronic Vulvovaginal Pain

Preventing the Fear-Avoidance Cycle

One of the significant challenges faced by individuals with vulvodynia is the fear-avoidance cycle. This cycle occurs when fear of pain leads to the avoidance of intimate activities, ultimately causing emotional and physical distancing from a partner. Breaking this cycle involves open communication, setting clear boundaries, and finding a balance between engaging in pleasurable activities and respecting personal comfort levels.

Open Communication with Partners

Open and honest communication with a partner is vital when dealing with vulvodynia. It is essential to educate partners about vulvodynia and explain the specific challenges and limitations imposed by the condition. Creating a safe and understanding environment can allow for mutual support and exploration of alternative sexual activities.

Exploring Alternative Sexual Activities

While traditional sexual intercourse may be challenging for individuals with vulvodynia, there are numerous alternative sexual activities to explore. Engaging in activities such as oral sex, external stimulation, or non-penetrative options can provide intimacy and pleasure without exacerbating pain. Exploring and incorporating these alternatives can help maintain a fulfilling and enjoyable sex life.

Using Lube and Buffer Devices

Using lubricants can help reduce friction and discomfort during sexual activities for individuals with vulvodynia. Water-based lubricants are generally recommended, as they are less likely to cause irritation. Buffer devices like Ohnut can also be useful in managing pain during penetration by allowing for controlled depth and limiting discomfort.

Resources and Support

National Vulvodynia Association

The National Vulvodynia Association is a valuable resource for individuals with vulvodynia and their healthcare providers. It offers information, support, and education on vulvodynia and related conditions. The organization also provides a database of vulval pain specialists, helping individuals connect with doctors who have expertise in treating vulvodynia.

Database of Vulval Pain Specialists

The National Vulvodynia Association maintains a database of vulval pain specialists. This database allows individuals to search for healthcare providers who have specific knowledge and experience in diagnosing and treating vulvodynia. Finding a knowledgeable healthcare professional is crucial for obtaining an accurate diagnosis and developing an effective treatment plan.

In conclusion, painful sex can be caused by various factors, with vulvodynia being a common and often misunderstood condition. Educating oneself about the signs, symptoms, and treatment options for vulvodynia is essential for individuals experiencing chronic vulvar pain. Seeking a correct diagnosis from a knowledgeable healthcare professional and exploring appropriate treatment options can help individuals manage vulvodynia effectively and maintain a fulfilling sex life.

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